
Where has all the time gone? Trevor is 19 and now, since we have moved out of state, he lives on his own. He is finished with high school and he he tutors math students and he teaches guitar at Greenleaf Music and Arts Academy. During his home school career he was active in Speech and Debate, drama, music, football, volunteer work, Olathe Police Explorers, and apprentice work for his dad. Trevor is a friend to all, a fun big brother, and a blessing to his parents.

Get to know Trevor! Visit his blog at


John is almost 15! Wow, time does fly. John has a great sense of humor and is so much like his dad. He has recently started playing disc golf with his dad. Together they have participated in many tournaments this spring and have plans to participate in more throughout the summer. John is also a great chef.


Creative. That is what Elijah is. He can create something out of nothing with anything. He can cook, bake, sew, finger weave, build, sculpture, etc. etc. Put him and John together in the kitchen and dinner with a great desert will be served. Give him some wood and nails and you'll get a table. Let him dig through a bag of fabric and thread and you'll get a blanket. Hand him a glue gun and a bucket of metal and you'll get a sculpture ready for the museum. His brain, and hands, are always working on a new project.


Grace the tender-hearted. She loves everyone and wants to do good all the time. She enjoys knitting and loves ballet. Most of all, she loves art. For as long as I can remember, Grace has been able to take a pencil and draw amazing pictures. I'm pretty sure that every gift-giving holiday she gets some kind of art supplies and she never has too much. She is a result-oriented little girl and drawing gives her the immediate satisfaction she enjoys. When we go to Hobby Lobby and she walks through the art aisle...she sounds like Tim Allen looking at tools...only girly. :)


Hannah is a lot like John. She has a great sense of humor and a beautiful smile to match. She enjoys crocheting, sewing, ballet, and school. She is a good reader, is good at math, and reading her bible is a top priority. She also loves to help in the kitchen or wherever Mom needs help.Hannah is also very much into style. She is very aware of her clothes and accessories... trendy and matchy. She is as girly as a girl can be.


  Ben is the baby of the family. I guess he isn’t such a baby anymore. He is 10! He has such a big heart. He is consistent in gift or card giving. He is always the first kiddo out of bed and the first to do his chores and then he needs his daily hugs and kisses from his mama. He is a wonderful boy and like all of my kiddos, he is growing up too fast.